More than surviving

The everyday sublime

Beyond survival

I owe an immense debt of gratitude and respect to my inner child who had protected me by drawing on his own primitive source of love. He built defensive fortifications. These served me very well as a necessary place in which to survive.

It was not so much a place of darkness, as a place sequestered from “light”. In truth, there is no darkness, only a passing in front of light. I am talking about the light of human connection, and indeed all forms, from simple conversation to the most universally revered sacred connections.

When those first cracks of light had started pouring into my own dark space, I believed – as is probably natural – that I was finding something exciting outside of myself, when in reality all along what was being revealed to me was my own marvellous light!

For more than half a century, I lived on in the dark. I know I am far from having been alone in spending time at one remove from the full experience of living life in all its abundance and glory.

I knew about the majesty of light and peace, and about the love that can take root and flourish in it. But I neither saw nor yet recognised my own portion of light directly.

The most amazing thing is, when I am fully present in my own light, it connects healthily with the light of others, and in so doing we quite simply reflect each other’s light.

Each time we allow this to happen, with the courage of open hearts, we receive a beautiful and healing reminder of the brightness of our own light.

This is truly it – for me, for us, for the world. We are beacons of light and our challenge is to realise that the light we see outside is a reflection of the light we are inside.

So now, I can be a worshipper as I move in the world of the everyday sublime, in reverent awe at the joy of the little “ten thousand” things all around me wherever I go.

These continual acts of reflective worship continue to allow the light of my original love to shine out, and let it keep shining.

From here, without fear or harm, I can acknowledge another’s light by reflecting to them what they see mirrored in me.

I remember always, respect and honour always – that this is their own light and they are the guardian of their own light.

I do believe the light within all sentient beings has no beginning and no end and I believe it is our connection to the eternal, the divine, the universal vector of all life everywhere

~ Love is present  E v e r yN o w

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